class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # The Basics of agent-based modeling ### David Garcia, Petar Jerčić, Jana Lasser
TU Graz
### Computational Modelling of Social Systems --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span>David Garcia - Computational Modelling of Social Systems</span></div> --- # About me .pull-left[ .center[ <img src="Profile.jpg" width="270" /> ]] .pull-right[ <br> Website: []( Twitter: [@dgarcia_eu]( Github: [dgarcia-eu]( Email: ] - Professor for Computational Behavioral and Social Sciences at TU Graz - Faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna - Group leader at the Medical University of Vienna --- # Overview ## 1. Complex Social Behavior ## 2. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) ## 3. ABM Example: Date Choice Model ## 4. About this Course --- # Complex Social Behavior ## *1. Complex Social Behavior* ## 2. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) ## 3. ABM Example: Date Choice Model ## 4. About this Course --- ## Complex social behavior example: Polarization <img src="Figures/Polarization.jpg" width="650" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Two opposing groups can become more extreme due to their perception of the behavior and opinions of the other group. - Individuals in isolation do not naturally tend to opinion extremes. --- ## Complex social beavior example: Bank runs <img src="Figures/BankRun.jpg" width="600" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Banks operate without all the savings in their reserves - If customers believe that many others withdraw their money, they will do it too - The rumor and spreading distrust is necessary, customers in isolation would not create a bank run (tragedy of the commons) --- ## Complex social beaviors: Activation and inhibition <img src="Figures/Crowd.jpg" width="900" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Individuals demonstrating in isolation are peaceful, but in a group a riot can emerge without a clear antecedent - People alone in the street offer help, but when many are watching they don't act (bystander effect) --- # The macro-micro gap <img src="Figures/Boat.png" width="900" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> *Causal Mechanisms in the Social Sciences. Peter Hedström and Petri Ylikoski. Annual Review of Sociology, 2010.* --- ## Interdisciplinarity in complex social behavior <img src="Figures/Interdisciplinarity.svg" width="1200" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) ## 1. Complex Social Behavior ## *2. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM)* ## 3. ABM Example: Date Choice Model ## 4. About this Course --- # Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) - Agent-Based Model: A computational analogy of a social system that is composed of a set of agents that represent *discrete* individuals - Agents have internal states, perceive the actions of other agents, and interact with other agents and their environment (*situated*) - Agents are *active*: they have a behavioral repertoire, are not just particles - Agents might have access only to *limited informtion* in their environment - Agents might have *internal goals* that determine their behavior and can *adapt* to the behavior of other agents or the environment *Agent-Based Modeling: A New Approach for Theory Building in Social Psychology. Eliot Smith and Frederica Conrey, 2007* --- # Explaining behavior with ABM - Observed collective behavior or effects are *explananda*: empirical facts that are missing an explanation. - Example: hotter days have higher average crime rates - ABM offer *explanations*: theories that generate the observed behavior and link it to other empirical facts - Example: heat makes people be longer in the street, facilitating crime - ABM are part of a larger theoretical approach called *Analytical Sociology*, where everything in a model of social behavior must be explicit - Example: coding a simulation of people going out depending on temperature and crimes happening outdoors --- # Explaining behavior with ABM **ABM do not provide empirical evidence** - Simulation results alone are not evidence that humans behave in one way or another. Beware of causal conclusions based on ABM alone! - They can **generate hypotheses**, for example on the consequences of policies in simulations or formulate predictions - They can **reconcile empirical observations** across individual behavior and collective behavior levels - They are a way to **analyze theory**, showing necessary or sufficient conditions for some collective behavior to emerge --- ## Computational theory instead of exploration **ABM are for analysis, not just exploration** - Exploring what happens in a simulation is fine, but ABM can do much more! - **Behavior calibration** of individual agents with experiments or surveys: integrating social and behavioral findings in an ABM - **Analysis of observable outcomes** versus parameters of behavior or alternative mechanisms/policies - **Testing outcomes** with large-scale data (e.g. digital traces from computational social systems), across conditions and over time *From factors to actors: Computational Sociology and Agent-Based Modeling. Michael Macy and Robert Willer. Annual Review of Sociology, 2002.* --- # Properties of good ABM - They **model causation**: agent actions and conditions have counterfactuals and dynamics are not ad hoc to get an outcome - They have **measureable outcomes:** collective behavior can be aggregated into one or more quantities that can be measured in many simulations and across conditions - They have **quantifiable designs:** individual dynamics are based on metrics that can be tested with empirical methods (e.g. experiments, surveys) - Are **minimal and modular:** you can test the sensitivity of outcomes with different blocks of dynamics and include only what is necessary --- # ABM Example: Date Choice Model ## 1. Complex Social Behavior ## 2. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) ## *3. ABM Example: Date Choice Model* ## 4. About this Course --- ## Date choice in computational social systems .pull-left[] --- ## Date choice in computational social systems .pull-left[] .pull-right[</br></br></br>] --- # The question of attractiveness matching - Example: Kalick and Hamilton (1986) date choice model - Question: do people seek dating mates that are as attractive as possible or matching their own perceived attractiveness? - Conflicting evidence: - In experiments (micro), participants seek to maximize partner attractiveness, participant attractiveness is barely relevant - In observational data (macro), attractiveness of couples are correlated ( `\(r \sim 0.6\)` ) and correlation is stronger for more committed couples *The matching hypothesis reexamined. Michael Kalick and Thomas Hamilton. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1986.* --- # The Kalick and Hamilton dating model - Start with N male and N female agents, all are uncoupled - Each agent has a constant attractiveness number randomly sampled between 1 and 10 at the beginning of the simulation - Repeat while there are uncoupled agents: - All male and female agents are randomly paired for a date - Dates consist on each individual accepting or rejecting their partner. Probability of accept is based on a rule taking into account their attractiveness levels (e.g. matching or seeking attractiveness) - Dates with both agents accepting form a couple and leave the dating pool --- # Model metrics 1. Model "time" `\(t\)`: Percentage of agents that are in a couple - It grows with simulation iterations, starting from `\(0\)` and approaching `\(100\)` 2. Correlation coefficient between paired couples ( `\(r_t\)` ) at time `\(t\)`: - `\(r_t = r(M_t, F_t) = \frac{\sum_{c \in C_t}(m_c - \mu_{M_t})(f_c - \mu_{F_t})}{\sqrt{\sum_{c \in C_t}(m_c - \mu_{M_t})^2(f_c - \mu_{F_t})^2}}\)` - `\(M_t\)` and `\(F_t\)` are the vectors of male and female attractiveness in couples formed up to time `\(t\)`, denoted as `\(C_t\)` 3. Mean attractiveness of the `\(N_t\)` paired couples at time `\(t\)`: - `\(\mu_t = \mu_{M_t} + \mu_{F_t} = \sum_{c \in C_t} (m_c+f_c) / N_t\)` --- # Seeking similar match: outcomes .pull-left[ <img src="Figures/matching.png" width="550" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ - Outcomes over simulation time (% matched couples) for the case of seeking similar partners - Correlation starts very high (0.8) - No real trend in correlation - Mean couple attractiveness is around the average the whole simulation ] --- # Maximizing partner attractiveness .pull-left[ <img src="Figures/preference.png" width="550" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ - Outcomes over simulation time (% matched couples) for the case of preferring attractive partners regardless of own attractiveness - Correlation starts low but raises pretty fast up to about 0.55 - Mean couple attractiveness starts much above average and approaches average - Attractive agents couple earlier ] --- # Results of dating model - **Main result:** attractiveness matching is not necessary for observed correlations, they can be produced by attractiveness seeking alone. - ABM reconciles apparently conflicting empirical results - **Comparison with empirical data:** observed empirical correlation is closer to 0.55 than to 0.9 - This could also be due to measurement error in attractiveness - **Many simplifications** *The matching hypothesis reexamined. Michael Kalick and Thomas Hamilton. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1986.* --- # About this Course ## 1. Complex Social Behavior ## 2. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) ## 3. ABM Example: Date Choice Model ## *4. About this Course* --- # Course objectives </br> 1. Understanding how to **formulate and analyze** computational models of social systems. 2. **Integrating knowledge** about social dynamics and analytic tools to understand the **complex behavior** of social systems. 3. Acquiring programming skills to **implement, simulate, and visualize** computational models of social systems --- # Course topics ### Block 1: Fundamentals of agent-based modelling 1- **Basics of agent-based modelling: the micro-macro gap** (03.03.2022) *Tutorial: ABM basics in Python with Mesa (session 1)* *(Please install Jupyter and iPython as soon a possible)* 2- **Modelling segregation: Schelling's model** (10.03.2022) *Tutorial: ABM basics in Python with Mesa (session 2)* 3- **Modelling cultures** (17.03.2022) *Exercise 1: Schelling's model and Pandas (session 1)* --- # Block 2: Opinion dynamics 4- **Basics of spreading: Granovetter's threshold model** (24.03.2022) *Exercise 1: Schelling's model and Pandas (session 2)* 5- **Opinion dynamics** (31.03.2022) *Exercise 2: Threshold models (session 1)* 6- **Modelling hyperpolarization and cognitive balance** (07.04.2022) Guest lecture by Simon Schweighofer (Online) *Exercise 2: Threshold models (session 2)* *No class between 9.04.2022 and 23.04.2022: Easter holidays* --- # Block 3: Network formation 7- **Basic network models** (28.04.2022) *Exercise 3: Bounded confidence (session 1)* 8- **Modelling small worlds** (05.05.2022) *Exercise 3: Bounded confidence (session 2)* 9- **Scale-free networks** (12.05.2022) *Exercise 4: Scale-free networks and visualization (session 1)* 10- **Growth processes** (19.05.2022) *Exercise 4: Scale-free networks and visualization (session 2)* *No class on 26.05.2022: Ascension day* --- # Block 4: Behavior on networks 11- **Modelling spreading in networks** (02.06.2022) *Project guidance* 12- **Modelling epidemics: the SEIRX model** (09.06.2022) *Project guidance* *No class on 16.06.2022: Corpus Christi* 13- **Project presentations** (23.06.2022) 14- **Project presentations** (30.06.2022) --- # Time, place, online - Lecture time: Thursdays at 16:15 (sharp) - Lecture place: HS F today, from next week in HS i7 - Exercise group 1 time: Thursdays after Lecture (approx. 18:00) - Exercise group 1 place: Same room - Online exercise support group 2: Wednesdays at 13:00 (sharp) - Online in Webex Handouts, codes, and data can be found on the Github repository of the course: **1-2 readings for each lecture:** Links on github and PDF on Teach Center Computational Modelling of Social Systems Discord (only this course): Use it to ask for help! --- # Course assessment Exercises done in groups of **one or two** students - Exercise 1: ungraded - Exercise 2: 25% of final grade. Deadline: 20.04.2022 - Exercise 3: 25% of final grade. Deadline: 18.05.2022 - Exercise 4: ungraded Final group project in groups of **up to four students**: - Participation in group presentation sessions: 25% of final grade - All group members **must participate** in their presentation - Each group is assigned as a **discussant** for another group - **Attending both presentation sessions is mandatory** - Project report and codes: 25% of final grade - More details on project topics and reporting will follow later in the course --- # Summary 1. **Complex Social Behavior** - Humans behave differently in groups as in isolation: collective behavior - Interdisciplinary approach to explain macro dynamics from micro behavior 2. **Agent-Based Modelling (ABM)** - A computational approach to formalize and analyze social systems - Agent properties and model objectives and assumptions 3. **ABM Example: Date Choice Model** - Mismatch in empirical results: observations contradict experiments - A simple model shows that seeking attractiveness in a finite dating pool also generates the observed correlations in couples 4. **About this Course** - ABM basics, opinion dynamics, network models, behavior on networks - Readings-base - Following: Introduction to Mesa for ABM