Computational Social Science Seminar at TU Graz
SS 2022: Tuesdays at 15:00
- 15.03.2022 Hannah Metzler: Twitter suicide prevention studies
- 22.03.2022 Anna Di Natale: Colexification projects
- 29.03.2022 Emma Fraxanet: Summary of Der Standard & Polarization project progress
- 05.04.2022 Sabrina Melcher: NYT project introduction and plan
- 12.04.2022 no seminar, Easter break
- 19.04.2022 no seminar, Easter break
- 26.04.2022 Valentin Rupprecht: Detecting fake news with ML
- 03.05.2022 Petar Jerčić: On agent-based modeling and computational social science
- 10.05.2022 Alina Herderich: ClustER
- 17.05.2022 Apeksha Shetty: Either Graz survey results or plan for intervention studies
- 24.05.2022 Jula Lühring: Either Graz survey results or plan for observational studies
- 31.05.2022 Jana Lasser: Twitter Inoculation project
- 07.06.2022 Segun Aroyehun
- 14.06.2022 no seminar (Max Pellert’s thesis defence)
- 21.06.2022 Sabrina Melcher: NYT Project results